Saturday 21 May 2011


Plastic surgery.

Over the centuries women have tried to be as beautiful as they could. Always women have given more importance to their body than men. The technology has advanced and many women have her body operated by plastic surgery in order to improve their self-esteem.

Some people prefer have his body operated because actually our society have given many importance to the physic, furthermore media only show us actors and singers who are always on the spot light and on the front pages of magazines and newspapers, for that reason many people would like to be as them.
Other people think that these operations are a waste of time and over time it could cause bad consequences for our body. Moreover medical clinics are making huge amounts of money helping people get the looks they had always dreamt at. But many times this plastic surgery becomes and obsession and many people come back to these medicals clinics to operate again other part of their body.

In my opinion plastic surgery is a waste of time, unless somebody has an accident or a similar fact that has their body disfigured. We have to accept us because this operations many times includes dangerous risks which could have consequences during our life.

Pilar de Olives,2n batxillerat B


  1. I think plastic surgery is dangerous because they are difficult operations. I agree if one person has had an accident or disease that has disfigured his body and they want to get the surgery. Older people may also want it, but people must be careful in order to not lose the facial expressions and naturalness.

  2. the structure is good and this essay has enough vocabulary, i think you deserve a 7
