Saturday 21 May 2011

Is our society too obsessed with problems of weight and fitness?

Our society is obsessed with losing weight. It’s important to do exercise and eat healthily; the problem is when people get a false image of beauty.
The main problem is that fashion models require sizes which are too small. In addition, magazines are full of girls that aren’t real because they use photoshop, with which they remove facial such as moles and wrinkles. They also make them thinner. Then, the girls end up with these perfect images in their minds, and begin to find imperfections in a normal body.
This can be dangerous because there are girls who become obsessed and take extreme measures in order to get that body, like stop eating or throw up food. These diseases are very serious and it’s important they become aware of themselves so as not to make this mistake. The solution is to normalize the situation to see the beauty in imperfections.
In conclusion, people have to be aware of what their body is like and what they need to be healthy and beautiful, and keep in mind that true girls have curves. It’s very important to take care and love oneself.

Claudia Ferrer Florit 2n B Batx.

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