Saturday 14 May 2011


Euthanasia is the practice of ending with someone's life who's seriously ill in order to ease the pain. Nowadays, in our society, euthanasia is a legal and a moral challenge. Some people, who are terminally ill, want us to let them die, so that they could finish with that life that is driving them crazy. It is in this moment, when we think about the possibility of legalizing euthanasia. There are two points of view about this issue.

On the one hand, some people think that euthanasia must be legalized because, when someone is terminally ill, it depends a lot on other people. They feel like their lives have no sense at all. Moreover, they say that everybody is different, so it's difficult to apply the same law to all the patients. For this reason, when someone asks for the euthanasia, even though he is ill, we must respect his autonomy and accept to do it. We must all have the right to decide what to do with our life.

On the other hand, there are people, usually religious people, who feel that life is one of our basic rights. God gave us life as a present, so we must make the most of it. Besides, they say that euthanasia is usually requested by depressive or disturbed people. This group of people think that therapies are the solution for this kind of patients, because they can build their hopes up. It is also important to know that there could be some mysterious deaths to receive an inheritance or related to political and economic interests.
In my own opinion, although it's a difficult decision, people might have the chance to decide what to do with their lives. For this reason, we should have the opportunity to ask for euthanasia if we are terminally ill. I think that everyone must be in control of himself. Even though I'm in favor of the legalization of euthanasia, I think that there is a narrow relationship between economic development and euthanasia, so it must be carefully legalized.

Kassandra Pons Haro   2nd Batxillerat B 


  1. In my opinion, the topic you chose it's creative as I wouldn't have thought it. Furthermore, your vocabulary is rich and I like also the way you use it. Well done!

  2. I think that Kassandra has a very good vocabulary and extensive and she use it very well. I'm agree with Kassandra's opinion because I think the same.

  3. Great job Kassandra!. It is a good topic, good structure and good vocabulary. It is one of the best I have read. ;)

  4. Good eassay, I think like the others comments,My congratulations on your work.

  5. Kassandra, I think the same as the others because it is true that you use a very rich vocabulary and this is one of the problems that many people have because they don't have the good vocabulary that you have choosen
    Well done my darling!

  6. I think like salo, you've choosen a creative topic and you use a rich vocabulary, furthermore a good expression. I think like rafa that your composition is when of the best I've written. My congratulations!

  7. I believe that euthanasia should be fully legalized in all cases, especially if the patient decides.
    Why live, if you have to be bedridden?
    I really liked your writing Kassandra, you write very well;)
