Saturday 14 May 2011


Everybody needs to sleep at least eight hours, but a lot of people sleep less because they have many things to do.

From my point of view, people sleep less now than before because there are many people that work long hours and don't have time to sleep. Besides, there are a lot of people that prefer to sleep during the day and at night they play at the computer or watch TV.

Firstly, modern life may be bad for us because was need enough sleep and if we don't sleep , we may be in a bad mood the next day. Secondly, nowadays many teens work at night and during the day they want to for to the beach and do lots of things, but they prefer not to sleep or to sleep less.

In conclusion, I think that modern life is bad, yet this is the kind of life that we must lead these days and whoever wants to sleep more should just not do so many things.  

Pily Pons 2n BTX C


  1. Hi Pily, I'm agree with your opinion, because every body need sleep and don't do it is perjudicial fou our health. For example, now a days, we have finally examns and I don't have time to sleep but on Saturday I will recuperate all sleeping hours! kisses

  2. Hi pily, I agree with your arguments. We need to sleep, people nowadays are more stressed. I agree with Bea, but I think in " Concentrados" is very important to sleep well and 8 hours. For example I always go to sleep at 12:30.

  3. It's all for "Concentrats" fault! We can't sleep if we know that we have two or three exams the next day...

  4. kassandra, I agree with you because when I have three exams the next day, it's impossible sleeping 8 hours.
