Friday 13 May 2011


On 2 January 2011 came into effect the new smoking ban made by the Spanish government. This law don´t allow smoking in public places as well as bars, restaurants,... This law caused much controversy among Spanish people.

In my opinion, this law is very perjudicial to the Spanish economy, specially in the times when we actually are.

Firstly, a lot of bars and restaurants had to spend much money to create smoking areas and non-smoking areas because of the previous smoking law. This investment is lost. Moreover, customers will decrease by 30-40 %, a lot of waiters and cooks will be dismissed . Unemployment in Spain will grow up even more. Yesterday, I saw on television that 138000 people will be dismissed in the next summer.

In conclusion, I think this law is very perjudicial and very bad. The economy in Spain is very bad but it will get worse while the other important countries in Europe have already left from the crisis.

Rafa Blanco Florit 2n batxiller A

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