Monday 23 May 2011


Personally, I’m in favour that people have to look after themselves. Nevertheless, this doesn’t involve that the society only get worried about their body and their figure. In my opinion, the majority of our society is too obsessed with problems of weight and fitness.
First of all, I think that it is very important to practice sports to be healthy, but there are some people who don’t control it, for example boys do a lot of exercise to be very strong and girls to be slim. As a result, the problem is that they only pay attention to their image. If people can’t control it, they will be ill. Since, they will end up an obsession and they won’t be able to stop it.
Secondly, it is important to mention that all programs and advertisements, which are broadcasting on TV, or pictures , that come out in magazines, have influence on our society as they show people who are beautiful and they have a perfect body. However, it is unreal because a lot of pictures are retouched.
To conclude, people don’t have to believe all the things that the TV or magazines show because if they want to be like the models they see on TV, they end up obsessed and they can’t live, because they are dissatisfied with their image.

Laura Wenzel 2n BTX B

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